Bug Fixes
An error occurs when trying to attach attachments for Additional Form(s) or Needs Info if the order is in Canceled status: This fixes a gap where a user could previously add a document to a file that had already been canceled in the external vendor system. In this situation ongoing, a user will receive an error message that they cannot add the additional form to the file because of the file status.
- When ordering Drug Screening products, the map is displayed incorrectly: Fixes an issue where the map for drug screening clinics would occasionally not display correctly when a zip code was entered.
- An error occurs when trying to get a list of packages: This fixes an issue in the extension where attempting to view the list of packages for an account would sometimes lead to the page continuously loading.
- Request validation error: Address Street is incorrect: Fixes an issue that occurred when certain symbols were entered in the address field that would prevent the order from being submitted.
- Salesforce: Order via Process Builder with several auto-order attachments: This fixes an issue with Salesforce Process Builder and adding multiple attachments.
- Salesforce Address Line 2: Corrects an issue that happened previously when a user attempted to enter values in the Address Line 2 in Salesforce.
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