The purpose of this article is to explain/show our legacy clients what changes they can expect with the enhancements Verified First made to our unlimited products and allow all clients to take advantage of the enhancements.
What are the enhancements?
Verified First has introduced advanced technology to streamline jurisdiction identification during background checks, enabling faster processing of orders with unlimited products. This enhanced unlimited process ensures quicker results, helping you make hiring decisions more efficiently and confidently.
What changes can you expect to see on your results?
There will be no changes to the results. Changes only exist in the ordering process.
What changes can you expect to see during ordering?
Most of our legacy clients order the unlimited service by selecting a checkbox on the product type where it allows you to request the jurisdictions of residence of the last 7 years for 1 fee. This check box will be removed and replaced with our “Unlimited” products.
You will see these updated on your order menu and/or packages.
Since we will modify the products on your account, we will also update your packages. Any existing package that you have today that has the ‘Residence of last 7 years’ enabled, we will be replacing that package with the corresponding Unlimited product. Your pricing will remain the same.
Are there other features available with this enhancement?
Yes! From the ‘enhancements’ section, you will notice that we will instantly process the jurisdictions identified from the Social Trace. If you’d also like to preview aliases identified on the Social Trace and add those aliases, please contact our client services team so we can switch you from “auto-processing” to review both jurisdictions and aliases identified in the Social Trace.
Click here to view our other article showing the ‘review’ workflow to see how it best fits you and your company.
The information and opinions expressed are for educational purposes only and are based
on current practice, industry related knowledge and business expertise. The information
provided shall not be construed as legal advice, express or implied.
If you have any further questions, or need a product enabled on your account,
please contact Verified First Client Services for assistance.
Call 844-709-2708 or email
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