Pursuant to Section 1024.5 of the California Labor Code, a reason must be stated by the file orderer when ordering an employment credit report if one (1) of the following criteria are met:
- The applicant's address is located in the state of California
- The position the applicant is applying for is located in the state of California
- The hiring organization's address is located in the state of California
If one (1) of the above criteria are met, the file orderer must state a reason for the employment credit report from the dropdown menu shown below:
If none of the above criteria are met, the file orderer can acknowledge that they are not required to select a reason by checking the "I acknowledge" statement.
Once a reason is chosen, or the file orderer has acknowledged that they are not required to select a reason, the background screening order can continue.
If would like to learn more about the California Labor Code, click here.
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