If you need to view and sort your orders in bulk, you can easily do so from the Orders Reporting area of the portal settings from within Salesforce.
Let's take a look at how to filter/sort your orders for reporting purposes.
From within your Salesforce App, click on the Verified First Tab. Then click the gear icon in the upper right:
From here, click the Reporting tab followed by the Orders Reporting sub-menu. You may now filter your reports to generate the data you're looking for. You can narrow your results by any of the following options:
- Date (time range)
- Products (files with any of the products selected will be returned - or selecting "selected only" will return files that only contain that product)
- Stages (file status)
- Flagged (yes or no)
- Flagged Products
- Ordered By (user who placed order)
- File Owner (user who owns order)
- Ordered Via (method by which order was placed - desktop, Chrome extension, etc.)
- Order Method (direct order or applicant invite)
- Invitation Method (Email or SMS)
- Full Hierarchy (for accounts that have children accounts associated)
- Position (which position was used to place the order)
- Package (which package was used to place the order)
- Cost Code Required (which cost codes were associated with an order)
- Batch Order (yes or no)
- Pre-Pull Flags (for those accounts which pre-pull is enabled, default is "ignore flags")
Lastly, there is a checkbox to "exclude debug data" where checking this will exclude any test orders placed with the name Hank Mess, Joe Clean, or the test SSNs specifically.
The information and opinions expressed are for educational purposes only and are based
on current practice, industry related knowledge and business expertise. The information
provided shall not be construed as legal advice, express or implied.
If you have any further questions, or need a product enabled on your account,
please contact Verified First Client Services for assistance.
Call 844-709-2708 or email clientservices@verifiedfirst.com
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