If someone on your team needs access to the Verified First Portal, you have the ability to add as many new users as you need. We do not charge for additional users. In order to add, edit, or delete a user, you will need the "Add/Edit Users" permission.
In order to add new users, first login to the Portal and click the gear icon at the top right corner of your screen:
Under the Users tab, you'll see a list of all your current users. From here you can edit users, delete users, or add a new user:
To create a new user, simply enter their name, email address, and phone number in the top half of the new user screen:
Setting Default Package and Default File Owner
Here you can set whatever user defaults you desire. Click the Default Package dropdown to set a default package for a user. This is useful, for example, if you have a recruiter who only handles hiring for a specific range of employees using a single package.
You can also select a default file owner using the dropdown. The default file owner is usually an HR manager who handles completed reports for decision making.
User Permissions
To change user permissions, simply check or uncheck individual permissions before clicking create:
For a more in-depth explanation of the different user permissions, see this article.
Finalize Creation of User Account
Click Create. Your new user will receive an email prompting them to create a password and will then be logged in to the portal. If they do not receive this email, please have them check their spam folder and firewall settings, or double check the spelling of the email address.
Note: If the user's email address was typed incorrectly initially, the user will have to be deleted and recreated with the correct email address.
Please note that any users that do not have any activity for 365 days and have no dependencies(File Owner of existing files, Default File owner for other Users, last user with 'export data' permissions) will be automatically suspended
If you have any further questions, or need a product enabled on your account,
please contact Verified First Client Services for assistance.
Call 844-709-2708 or email ClientServices@VerifiedFirst.com
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