General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The GDPR applies to companies that are established in the EU, companies that offer goods or services to people in the EU, regardless of whether money is exchanged, and companies that monitor the behavior of people in the EU.
We do not currently offer our services to businesses within the EU, nor do we process candidates with direct residence in the EU, thus we are not required to be GDPR compliant. All of our data is currently stored in the United States so the EU GDPR does not apply to our data storage policies. However, the vendors that we use to compile reports by obtaining information out of the EU are GDPR compliant.
The GDPR will generally only apply to employment screening if the company requesting the screening is established in the European Economic Area (EEA). Screening based on someone’s past residence in Europe will not necessarily cause the GDPR to apply. GDPR does not apply based on citizenship or residence status, but rather on actual location.
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