If you need to run screens on multiple candidates for the same package or product(s), you can utilize the batch order functionality in the portal website or the VF extension to simplify your workflow!
Note: Be aware that some packages do not allow batch orders via direct order - for example Applicant Pay packages. In order to process a batch order for that type of package, you'll need to process it as an applicant invite batch order.
In order to place a batch order via direct order, you'll need the "Order Reports" and "View Reports" user permissions.
Optional permissions are "Order Reports for Other Users" and "View All Reports for Other Users."
Before placing a batch order via direct order, you will need to have collected all of your candidates' information, including the disclosures and signed authorization forms.
Direct Batch Order - Portal Website
Let's take a look at how to place a batch direct order on the portal website. First you will log in to the Verified First portal. Click the Order button at the top-left:
Next, click Batch Order on the order page:
If this is your first time placing a batch order for this package or product(s), you'll need to select Generate CSV Template to download the necessary template that contains all of the required headers to run a batch order:
After clicking Generate CSV Template, you will be taken to a screen where you can select all the necessary information required to export your custom CSV template. These selections include the order type and order information, as well as the background screening and drug screening products you would like to batch order.
Select "Direct Order" for order type here:
And then select the position, package, products, file owner, subscribers, and search purpose that will apply to all the candidates in the batch order.
If your user account has "Restrict a-la-carte ordering" selected, your batch order page will look slightly different than the example above and you will not be able to select the individual products for your batch order, but will instead need to select either a package of products or a position to place your order.
Once you've made all the necessary selections, click the Download CSV Template button at the bottom of the page.
After clicking Download CSV Template, you'll be prompted to select any additional fields you would like to include in the template. Mandatory fields are already selected, so you don't have to select any additional fields if you don't prefer to.
Please note the following:
- If Date of Birth is required, it needs to be in the following format. Some CSV programs will default to a 2 digit year. Excel is a good tool to keep the proper format.
- mm/dd/yyyy
- If you are using a Mac computer, opening the CSV template will usually load Mac's spreadsheet program - Numbers and there’s a chance that the fields will not be formatted correctly. If they are formatted incorrectly, click the “Format” button on the top right corner of Numbers and then select any cell in the spreadsheet.
- After selecting a cell, the Table menu will appear on the right side of your Numbers app. Click the Adjust Import Settings… button:
- Make sure “Delimited” is selected at the top of the Import Settings window. Click Update Table and the cells should now be formatted correctly:
Once you have filled out the CSV form with all of your candidates' information and saved your CSV file (if using Numbers on a Mac, you will need to export your file to a CSV format), return to the portal and click Next until you get to the screen where a Upload CSV Template button is visible:
When the Upload File dialog box appears, click Choose File:
Select your CSV file from your local computer:
And when the file has successfully loaded, the Upload button will be darkened to show you can click it:
After clicking Upload, the list of candidates will appear on the screen from your CSV file. Review all of your candidates' information and click the pencil icon if any edits need to be made. (If any fields are incorrectly filled out, the system will highlight that field).
Once you've corrected any of the entries for your candidates as necessary, click Submit Orders. Review the necessary information, and check the box to certify that you understand and are complying with the legal requirements of running a background screen with Verified First, in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA):
Lastly, click Submit.
After you have submitted the batch order, you will see a banner informing you that the orders were placed successfully. You will then be redirected to the Batch Order Details page that shows each file that was ordered and the status of those files:
Clicking on the applicant's name in the list will take you to the individual report view where you can take other actions on the file, as needed.
If your account is set to manual review, the files will then be placed in "Ready for Review" status so that you can review the results of the screens as they are received.
Direct Batch Order - Extension
Alternatively you can place direct batch orders via the VF extension. Let's look at how to do that.
Note: If you haven't downloaded the Verified First extension yet and you need assistance, you can visit these pages that are curated specifically for the web browser you are using:
Once you have installed the extension for your web browser, you will click on the VF logo and then enter your username (email) and password to log in:
Click Batch Order in the top left-hand corner:
If you need the CSV template for your orders, you can click Generate CSV Template, or if you already have your CSV formatted correctly, you can click Upload CSV Template:
You can also view previous batch orders that have been submitted on this account, along with details on the batch size (how many candidates) and how many were successful (denoted by a checkmark) and how many had errors (denoted by an exclamation point). This information is not specific to only extension batch orders, but instead shows all batch orders placed for that account.
Once you click Upload CSV Template you will be prompted to upload your document from your computer and then click Upload:
If there are any issues with your CSV template, you will see the errors listed on the screen when you attempt to upload the document:
Correct the issues in your CSV and re-upload the corrected document. Once the CSV is accepted, you will be taken to the Batch Order details screen where you will be able to see the candidates and the corresponding information you entered in your CSV:
Review all of your candidates' information and click the pencil icon if any edits need to be made, then click Submit Orders when you are satisfied with the candidate entries. On the next page, review the verbiage and check the box to certify that you understand and are complying with the legal requirements of running a background screen with Verified First, in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA):
Lastly, click Submit.
After you have submitted the batch order, you will see a banner informing you that the orders were placed successfully. You will then be redirected to the Batch Order Details page that shows each file that was ordered and the status of those files:
After a short while, the page will refresh and a View Details button will appear next to each candidate's file. Clicking this button will take you to the individual report view where you can take other actions on the file, as needed:
If your account is set to manual review (or you selected manual review for that batch order), the files will then be placed in "Ready for Review" status so that you can review the results of the screens as they are received.
If you would like to learn more about other ordering methods available to you, please click on the links below:
Placing an Individual Direct Order
Placing an Individual Applicant Invite Order
Placing a Batch Order via Applicant Invite
The information and opinions expressed are for educational purposes only and are based
on current practice, industry related knowledge and business expertise. The information
provided shall not be construed as legal advice, express or implied.
If you have any further questions, or need a product enabled on your account,
please contact Verified First Client Services for assistance.
Call 844-709-2708 or email clientservices@verifiedfirst.com
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