The Fair Credit Reporting Act requires that each candidate sign the necessary Acknowledgement and Authorization forms prior to a screen being ordered. Authorization forms can be signed digitally via our applicant invite order method, or on paper if you are using our direct order method. Signed Authorization forms can be uploaded to the Verified First portal on the final page of our direct order method.
Uploading the signed forms is not required but is highly recommended as it greatly reduces turn-around time. You may be required to produce and provide these forms for us if they are needed for internal auditing purposes or are requested by a particular source.
If your organization currently uses its own paper Authorization forms, you may continue to do so. However, you are required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act to include Verified First’s contact information on the forms so that your candidate is aware of who is running their background report and so the candidate knows who to contact if they need to dispute any reported information.
To learn more about Disclosure forms, please review this article.
The information and opinions expressed are for educational purposes only and are based
on current practice, industry related knowledge and business expertise. The information
provided shall not be construed as legal advice, express or implied.
If you have any further questions, or need a product enabled on your account,
please contact Verified First Client Services for assistance.
Call 844-709-2708 or email
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